

Fascinated by engineering, driven by ideas

The company was founded a quarter of a century ago by Pavel Diviš with the business intention of selling tools from Switzerland. Gradually, the company expanded its activities to the sale of machines, production and sale of its own tools. Currently, we are able to supply our customers with a complex order from design to implementation, including suitable technology, through the supply of appropriate machines and tools, to the tuning of the entire mechanism with subsequent service.

A technology and business company with more added value in many aspects:

We are driven by a true passion for engineering. It is not only thanks to the founder, Pavel Diviš, that it is tangibly present throughout the company.

The second defining aspect of the company lies in its “total solutions”. This cliché makes sense in our case because our ambition is not to sell a machine or a tool, but to help the customer realise his idea. From defining the brief together, to designing the appropriate machining technologies, to fine-tuning the production of the part in the actual manufacturing process. And we dare to say that no other company of the same focus is present in the Czech Republic. Or at least we don’t know of one.


TGS nástroje-stroje-technologické služby spol. s r.o.

Plzeňská 610, 338 05 Mýto

IČO: 64833500


tel.: +420 371 751 830